WitchandAngel : The Protagonist Doesn’t Care

The Protagonist Doesn’t Care

The Protagonist Doesn’t Care 


Come protagonista di un Otome Game, Alexander non ha molto da fare per vincere le love interest del gioco. I cattivi delle route sono pronti ad ucciderlo, il boss finale è…leggermente stolkerato dal protagonista…ad Alexander non gliene fregava molto dell’Harem route in cui era finito. Il Boss finale era più interessante nei suoi occhi, i cattivi erano più il suo genere di preda…dopotutto che colpa ne aveva lui se era gay? Forse…doveva avvisare le love interest?

Categoria: New Life, Yaoi, Realistic World

Lista Capitoli:

Capitolo 1: And Now I am here

Capitolo 2: A nice bad boy

Capitolo 3: Let’s chat

Capitolo 4: I don’t like people

Capitolo 5: Leave me alone

Capitolo 6: I’m sorry if it’s all too much

Capitolo 7: Every day you’re here, I’m healing

Capitolo 8: Before all I heard was silence

Capitolo 9: I never thought I’d find this feeling

Capitolo 10: I was running out of luck

Capitolo 11: When you are gone, I feel incomplete

Capitolo 12: I just want to be part of your life

Capitolo 13: When did you know?

Capitolo 14: You love him…

Capitolo 15: I can’t just go away

Capitolo 16: It’s their fault not mine

Capitolo 17: You are amazing

Capitolo 18: I am sorry, I didn’t want you to feel sad

Capitolo 19: I’ve been hearing that type of thing since…forever 

Capitolo 20: Let’s dance

Capitolo 21: It’s a bad day, not a bad life

Capitolo 22: Would you hold me tight and not let go?

Capitolo 23: Do you want to sleep at my place tonight?

Capitolo 24: I don’t really care if she does like me honestly 

Capitolo 25: Like a love song on the radio…

Capitolo 26: You are really annoying sometimes

Capitolo 27: Your personal nurse 

Capitolo 28: You are gonna grown and have a good life 

Capitolo 29: Somebody is here for you

Capitolo 30: She found her love way too early

Capitolo 31: No one is ever going to hurt you

Capitolo 32: When he looks in his eyes…

Capitolo 33: I don’t need others, I’m satisfied

Capitolo 34: Twenty four seven got you on my mind

Capitolo 35: My body wants you night and day

Capitolo 36: My head is screaming go away

Capitolo 37: Final act

Capitolo 38: Coming out

Capitolo 39: Be my boyfriend 

Capitolo 40: The Protagonist Doesn’t Care

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