WitchandAngel : The Queen of Horror movies

The Queen of Horror movies

 The Queen of Horror movies


Dominique è una eccelsa studentessa universitaria che non ama spendere tempo per rilassarsi preferendo studiare al giocare o divertirsi con gli amici. Convinta dalla sua compagna di stanza, decide di provare il sistema di intrusione nei film, una nuova tecnologia che permette allo spettatore di diventare parte del film e di modificarne il finale basandosi sulle sue azioni. Se il film che ne risulta è ben realizzato, allora verrà pubblicato e messo al cinema dando allo spettatore un guadagno per il suo ruolo nel film. Intrigata all’idea, decide di fare qualcosa che nessuno consiglierebbe mai, specie visto che nessuno è mai riuscito a finirlo quel genere di film, provare un film horror. Con un successo dietro l’altro, fan che nascono e una strana entità che la protegge nei film, riuscirà Dominique a vivere una vita serena come prima? 

Categoria: Horror, Fantasy World, Realistic World, Sci-fi/Time Travel, Post-Apocalyptic, Monster world, Ghost, Mystery, Futuristic World, Alien 

Lista Capitoli:

Film 1: High School of death

Capitolo 1: High school mystery

Capitolo 2: It’s a basic concept 

Capitolo 3: The teacher is sus

Capitolo 4: The bathroom ghost

Capitolo 5: She is very outstanding

Capitolo 6: The answer is there

Capitolo 7: The Ending is bittersweet 

Real life 1

Capitolo 8: The original movie

Capitolo 9: I have an exam

Capitolo 10: The first success

Film 2: Murder Island

Capitolo 11: The fifth wheel

Capitolo 12: I don’t like fish

Capitolo 13: Of course is that

Capitolo 14: Not so scary

Capitolo 15: Until Dawn

Real life 2

Capitolo 16: Looking confused

Capitolo 17: Fans are born

Capitolo 18: An interesting deal

Film 3: Death Show

Capitolo 19: New one

Capitolo 20: Dating is not my thing

Capitolo 21: Cry me a river

Capitolo 22: So you think you are scary

Capitolo 23: Everything burns

Real life 3

Capitolo 24: Critics

Capitolo 25: Exam results

Capitolo 26: Someone found me

Capitolo 27: She is good

Capitolo 28: Another?

Film 4: Orphanage of the Devil

Capitolo 29: Good…let’s start

Capitolo 30: Children…

Capitolo 31: She is busy ok? 

Capitolo 32: Children are cute

Capitolo 33: It's ok now

Real life 4

Capitolo 34: A cute one

Capitolo 35: They saw it

Capitolo 36: Everything is ok

Film 5: Prison of madness

Capitolo 37: I am a bad girl

Capitolo 38: Do not touch

Capitolo 39: Let's go

Capitolo 40: We can win

Capitolo 41: Freedom

Real life 5

Capitolo 42: A good one

Capitolo 43: She is a bad girl

Capitolo 44: Please? Can we go?

Film 6: Ghost Ship

Capitolo 45: Play it

Capitolo 46: We need to obey

Capitolo 47: So...that is...

Capitolo 48: Another one?

Capitolo 49: We can do it

Capitolo 50: Don't you dare

Capitolo 51: That was easy

Real life 6

Capitolo 52: She is cute

Capitolo 53: I love those shoes

Capitolo 54: Another Exam

Capitolo 55: We can do one?

Capitolo 56: Flower for ms Winter

Film 7: Hospital of Love

Capitolo 57: This is weird

Capitolo 58: He is married

Capitolo 59: She is a psycho

Capitolo 60: Call the cops

Capitolo 61: Not Bad

Real life 7

Capitolo 62: That is a good start

Capitolo 63: Her opinion is...

Capitolo 64: You will do it

Film 8: Doll Eyes

Capitolo 65: A little village

Capitolo 66: A lot of dolls

Capitolo 67: A good Drink

Capitolo 68: He cute

Capitolo 69: No, I like him

Capitolo 70: You look like a doll

Capitolo 71: Sorry, maybe next time

Real life 8

Capitolo 72: She was adorable

Capitolo 73: Got her new Photos

Capitolo 74: Are you free?

Film 9: Death School

Capitolo 75: I like Ghost

Capitolo 76: Amazing

Capitolo 77: Girls, don't fight

Capitolo 78: Time to close it up

Capitolo 79: Let's go home

Real life 9

Capitolo 80: I loves that one, she was cute

Capitolo 81: They are planning what...?

Capitolo 82: Mr Dimitri Winter

Capitolo 83: She is very Rich

Capitolo 84: Mom's favourite dress 

Film 10: Luxury Cruise

Capitolo 85: First time here?

Capitolo 86: You ok ms?

Capitolo 87: He is so...

Capitolo 88: Be careful

Capitolo 89: I love being with you

Capitolo 90: The games are easy

Capitolo 91: Dinner?

Capitolo 92: He has tentacles!

Capitolo 93: I won't let her go!

Capitolo 94: After the Cruise, hope to see you

Real life 10

Capitolo 95: He is real!

Capitolo 96: The fans are crazy

Capitolo 97: No is no

Film 11: Castle Mystery

Capitolo 98: Ms Detective

Capitolo 99: That is a body

Capitolo 100: Do not go out of your role

Capitolo 101: Be careful

Capitolo 102: Let's play

Capitolo 103: I know...

Capitolo 104: That is easy

Capitolo 105: Hands off

Capitolo 106: She is brillant

Capitolo 107: Sorry not sorry

Real life 11

Capitolo 108: That was ok-ish

Capitolo 109: Not sure

Capitolo 110: Missing him

Film 12: Hotel Death

Capitolo 111: Dinner is ready

Capitolo 112: Don't trust it

Capitolo 113: Please don't

Capitolo 114: Where is the child?

Capitolo 115: I blame you

Capitolo 116: Go away

Capitolo 117: That was horrible

Real Life 12

Capitolo 118: Feel bad

Capitolo 119: Thank you for the email

Capitolo 120: I got a thesis to write

Film 13: Welcome to the Game

Capitolo 121: Monique is here

Capitolo 122: Don't leave my side

Capitolo 123: She is a good friend

Capitolo 124: Fight

Capitolo 125: This is easy

Capitolo 126: Quiz time!

Capitolo 127: She is so hard

Capitolo 128: Get off her!

Capitolo 129: That is scary

Capitolo 130: Never alone

Real life 13

Capitolo 131: This is so cute!

Capitolo 132: They are real life roommates

Capitolo 133: I do love that

Capitolo 134: Wanna go for another?

Capitolo 135: She is amazing

Film 14: Zombie Land

Capitolo 136: Zombies...

Capitolo 137: Get dressed

Capitolo 138: Food, security, weapons

Capitolo 139: Let's go

Capitolo 140: That was...

Real life 14

Capitolo 141: Not bad

Capitolo 142: No, Dad

Capitolo 143: First chapter done

Film 15: Escape the Night

Capitolo 144: So...one of those

Capitolo 145: Fight back

Capitolo 146: She is scared

Capitolo 147: Saved the beauty

Capitolo 148: Thank you

Real life 15

Capitolo 149: OMG, I love it

Capitolo 150: New fans

Capitolo 151: Yes professor, good to go

Capitolo 152: Working too much?

Capitolo 153: Ok dad, one?

Film 16: Death Knight

Capitolo 154: Love the dresses

Capitolo 155: Don't you dare

Capitolo 156: You are a woman

Capitolo 157: I won't let him

Capitolo 158: Soldier Down

Real life 16

Capitolo 159: She is so cool

Capitolo 160: Love you

Capitolo 161: Got flowers

Film 17: Zombie Dinner

Capitolo 162: Zombies, again

Capitolo 163: So we are infected

Capitolo 164: This is fun

Capitolo 165: Who transformed her?! 

Capitolo 166: They are going mad

Capitolo 167: Loved that

Capitolo 168: Good end?

Real life 17

Capitolo 169: The original is trash

Capitolo 170: Fans, not fun

Capitolo 171: Fan arts?

Film 18: Daddy’s Home

Capitolo 172: Oh no...

Capitolo 173: Who is a baby girl?

Capitolo 174: I am going to punch you

Capitolo 175: Go away mr

Capitolo 176: Sorry, we broke up

Real life 18

Capitolo 177: That was...ok

Capitolo 178: She has the clues now

Capitolo 179: Will you meet me?

Film 19: Serial Love

Capitolo 180: Crazy killer?

Capitolo 181: That is so sus...

Capitolo 182: You know he is guilty

Capitolo 183: I can see you

Capitolo 184: I kinda wish that

Capitolo 185: Are you happy?

Capitolo 186: Will we meet?

Real life 19

Capitolo 187: I must be crazy

Capitolo 188: Hello Zvezda, is good to see you

Capitolo 189: Dominique, where are you?

Capitolo 190: You meet him?!

Capitolo 191: So...what now?

Film 20: Under the sea

Capitolo 192: Love this setting

Capitolo 193: Sharks? Really

Capitolo 194: Kraken? Not sure is that...

Capitolo 195: Marine Monster?

Capitolo 196: People here are crazy

Capitolo 197: Be good mr

Capitolo 198: So...good movie?

Real life 20

Capitolo 199: You are amazing

Capitolo 200: They are together?!

Capitolo 201: Why not?

Film 21: Alien

Capitolo 202: So...where are you?

Capitolo 203: Oh the enemy...

Capitolo 204: You do love kidnapping me

Capitolo 205: I do think is cute

Capitolo 206: Why don't we...

Real life 21

Capitolo 207: Scared, but happy

Capitolo 208: Graduation...

Capitolo 209: Mom, dad, he is Viktor

Film 22: Robot Revolution

Capitolo 210: You are cute

Capitolo 211: Careful, he bites

Capitolo 212: Always the bad one?

Capitolo 213: I do love being evil

Capitolo 214: That was fun

Real life 22 

Capitolo 215: I have one thing to say

Capitolo 216: Will you marry me?

Capitolo 217: You are my happiness


Capitolo 218: The Marriage

Capitolo 219: She is still good 

Capitolo 220: The Queen of Horror Movies

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